Never should you just settle for the latest fad when searching out your next herdsire. With all the tools we have been given to make this important decision to do so would be in error.

BF 1 on left and Lasater 9357 (Colorado) on right. When I purchased 9357 on 9/13/1990, 2 years after I produced BF 1 from a Lasater bred bull and Lasater bred cow purchased from Black Jack Cattle Company, I did so based on my belief in the Lasater Philosophy.  His color meant as much as his horn set, NOTHING.  I was buying with confidence from a program that had proven itself over and over again.  5 months short of 9 years later I had produced no paint calves and very few horned calves, but I had moved my breeding program forward exponentially with fertile heifers, good udders and cattle that could survive where rattlesnakes carry canteens, all in a way that would convince me that Tom Lasater was more than a cattleman, he was a Cowman.  Today over 60% of our cowherd carries the genetics of these two bulls, 60% of a cowherd that was recently reduced from 180 cows to 70 cows due to drought, we kept the cows that can survive with no intervention. When a bull reaches this kind of influence he has proved himself as a "Performance Herdsire"



Mallory's Choice of a New Herdsire

Esperance 377J, Black Bart x Gina (** Forty-Four Granddaughter)


Conundrum 377J-2375, Esperance 377J x ** BF 7125 (Vista Mr. 656-5548 x BF 38/5)
