Esperance Calves Bend the Curve
18 % Above Breed Average for Rib Eye Area
128 Birth Weights, 165 Weaning Weights, 94 Yearling Weights and more on the way.
The more weights reported in large contemporary groups the higher the EPD Accuracy.
Why Settle For Less?



Have you ever gotten into an argument that you knew you were going to lose from the onset?  I have, it was just such an argument on 9/18/1999 with my then 9 year old daughter Mallory that would change the breeding program at Blair Farms Beefmasters forever.  Having just bid $1400 on an unproven 7 month old bull calf I knew I was crazy for letting her talk me into bidding one more time on what she thought was the greatest bull she had ever seen. But wouldn't you know it someone bid $1450 and I was determined that we were done.  "Oh Contrair", as if my tenacious daughter was going to be outbid, She insisted that we bid just one more time. At $1475 I was sure I would be sorry down the road, but I gave in & the influence of Esperance began that day, and what a great ride it has been. If you are looking for a real bull to move your program forward call today. Semen:                                                                                              $100 per Straw, 10 Straw Minimum.  Volume Discounts Available   Free to any member of JBBA

Esperance is in the top 10% for Weaning Weight
top 5% for Yearling Weight
and is
RANKED 12th in Breed  for Scrotal EPD

  BW   WW   YW   MILK  TM  SC 
 128 1.1 0.90 165 160.9096290.8834-10.51 727 1.10.72 


  REA   IMF%   Rib Fat  Rump Fat  
 16 -0.070.5016 0.10.4516.060.41 16.01.42


 Ratio Cntmp. Adj. Wt. 
 BIRTH   80
 WEANING 113 9 720
 YEARLING 100 1 1070
 Yearling Scrotal 38cm
 Scan Age  352
 Scan Weightt 1525
 Adj. REA/Cwt. 1.06
 Adj. Back Fat .24
 Adj. % IMF 2.56